Title Određivanje konkurentskih sposobnosti linijskoga kontejnerskog servisa
Author Jakov Karmelić
Mentor Serđo Kos (mentor)
Mentor Alen Jugović (komentor)
Committee member Alen Jugović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Serđo Kos (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Elen Twrdy (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Maritime Studies Rijeka
Defense date and country 2014-03-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology Maritime and River Traffic
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 656.6 - Transport by water
Abstract U teorijskom dijelu disertacije iznose se (teorijske) značajke linijskoga kontejnerskog
brodarstva, s detaljnom strukturom svjetskih kontejnerskih kapaciteta i prometa. Istražuju se postupci i
faze projektiranja linijskoga kontejnerskog servisa i donosi njihova tipologija. Zaključuje se da se
linijski kontejnerski servisi s obzirom na opseg i način pružanja prijevozne usluge mogu kategorizirati
u: direktne i indirektne servise „od luke do luke“ i direktne i indirektne servise „od vrata do vrata“.
Nakon provedene sustavne analize kriterija za vrednovanje linijskih kontejnerskih servisa
zaključuje se da ne postoje općeprihvaćeni kriteriji, te se provodi anketiranje pomorskih agenata u
svijetu i u Hrvatskoj s ciljem prikupljanja fonda kriterija i rangiranja kriterija iz perspektive korisnika.
Na temelju znanstvene metodologije sintetiziraju se odabrani kvantitativni i kvalitativni kriteriji koji
odražavaju tehnološko-organizacijska obilježja obavljanja multimodalne prijevozne usluge od strane
brodara. Pet odabranih kriterija su: ekonomsko-komercijalni, kriterij pouzdanosti i kontinuiteta,
kriterij raspoloživosti, dokumentacijski kriterij i kriterij odnosa s korisnicima. Svaki kriterij ima svoje
U radu se (na temelju provedene analize) daje prijedlog modela višekriterijske optimizacije
linijskoga kontejnerskog servisa AHP metodom koji ima za cilj, iz perspektive korisnika, odabrati
najbolji tip servisa u odnosu na četiri ponuđene alternative, na osnovi odabranih pet osnovnih kriterija
s dvadeset i četiri potkriterija. Rezultat modela upućuje na zaključak da je direktni servis „od vrata do
vrata“ najbolja varijanta za korisnika. Predloženi model može poslužiti svim subjektima koji su
uključeni u multimodalni prijevoz tereta u prihvaćanju univerzalnih tehnološko-organizacijskih
sastavnica multimodalne prijevozne usluge i njegovih kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih kriterija i
potkriterija, s detaljnim načinom utvrđivanja relativne važnosti (pot)kriterija i relativne preferencije
alternativa. Takav model može se koristiti u praksi te se može prilagođavati drugačijim konkretnim
situacijama (proširivanje kriterija s potkriterijima i alternativama, anketiranje stvarnih korisnika na
različitim tržištima i dr.).
Također, donosi se i prijedlog benchmarking modela konkurentnosti linijskoga kontejnerskog
servisa koji predstavlja standard linijskoga kontejnerskog servisa i na osnovi kojeg brodar može
redovito provoditi interna i eksterna mjerenja konkurentnosti, s ciljem poboljšanja uočenih slabosti i
stalnog unapređenja obavljanja linijskog servisa.
Zaključno, u radu se dokazuje da se obavljanje multimodalne prijevozne usluge od strane
brodara zbog svoje složenosti i ogromnih investicija ne može prepustiti stihiji nego zahtijeva
inovativan pristup, uz korištenje najnovijih znanstvenih i praktičnih dostignuća, s ciljem projektiranja i
obavljanja takvog servisa koji će svojom izvedbom predstavljati korisniku prihvatljiviju prijevoznu
uslugu u odnosu na konkurenta i time omogućiti daljnji rast i razvoj kontejnerskog brodarstva.
Abstract (english) The theoretical part of this doctoral thesis presents (theoretical) features of container liner shipping, along
with a detailed structure of the global container capacity and turnover. Container liner service design procedures
and phases have been subject to research and presented by the typology. It has been concluded that container liner
services, with regard to the scope and modality of the transport service supplied, may be categorized as: „port to
port“ direct and indirect services and „door to door“ direct and indirect services.
Based on a systematically performed analysis of container liner service evaluation criteria, it has been
concluded that there are no generally accepted criteria at all and a survey has been carried out among shipping
agents both worldwide as well as in Croatia with a view to collect a fund of criteria to be ranked from a user's point
of view. Using scientific methodology, the selected quantitative and qualitative criteria have been synthetized which
reflect technological and organizational features of the multimodal transport service performed by shipowners. The
selected five criteria are: the economical-commercial, reliability and continuity, availability, documentary and the
relations with users criteria. Every single criterion is further divided into subcriteria.
Based on the analysis performed, the paper presents a model proposal for a multi criteria optimization of
container liner service by AHP method aimed, from a user’s point of view, at singling out the best service type from
among the four on offer, on the basis of the selected five basic criteria with twentyfour subcriteria. The model
outcome suggests the conclusion that the „door to door“ direct service represents the best variant for users. The
proposed model may be useful to all those involved in multimodal transport services, in accepting the universal
technological and organizational components of the multimodal transport service and its quantitative and qualitative
criteria and subcriteria, with a detailed way to establish the comparative importance of (sub)criteria and the
comparative preference for alternatives. The model may be used in practice and may be adapted to different
specific situations (extension of criteria with subcriteria and alternatives, interviewing actual users on different
markets, and the like).
The thesis also presents a benchmarking model proposal for container liner service competitiveness which
represents the container liner service standard for internal and external competitiveness to be measured by
operators, with the aim of improving any weaknesses observed and continuous enhancement of liner service in
To conclude, the paper brings evidence in support of the fact that, due to the complex nature and enormous
investment, nothing in the performance of multimodal transport service by operators should be left to spontaneity
but should rather be addressed with an innovative approach, using most recent scientific and practical
achievements, with the aim of achieving a service design and performance which would be better acceptable for
users than the competition, thus to enable further enhancement and growth of container shipping.
linijski kontejnerski servis
AHP metoda
Keywords (english)
container liner service
service operator
AHP method
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:187:059465
Promotion 2015-04-24
Study programme Title: Postgraduate (doctoral) university study programme - Maritime Studies Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje tehnologija prometa i transport (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje tehnologija prometa i transport)
Type of resource Text
Extent VIII listova, 278 str. : zemljop. crteži u bojama, graf. prikazi ; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2016-04-11 07:21:32