Abstract | U ovom završnom radu, pozornost je usmjerena na predstavljanje podvrste uobičajenih odnosno tipičnih regulatora, koji se prema tri vrste djelovanja (proporcionalnom, integracijskom i derivacijskom), dijele na četiri osnovna tipa (P, PI, PD, PID regulatore), a koji posjeduju i svoje brojne inačice. Za uobičajene je regulatore, potrebno poznavati matematičke modele djelovanja procesa, stoga je u drugom poglavlju pozornost usmjerena na predstavljanje blok sheme procesa djelovanja, kao i na osnovne matematičke jednadžbe potrebne za njihovo razumijevanje. U trećem poglavlju ovog završnog rada, ukratko se uvodi u povijest regulacijskih sustava te predstavljaju njegove dvije komponente: komparator i vremenski član, odnosno regulator. Prema vremenskom odstupanju, razlikuju proporcionalno (P) djelovanje, 2) integralno (I) djelovanje te 3) derivacijsko (D) djelovanje, prema čijim se kombinacijama razlikuju P, I, PI, PD, PID regulatori. Zbog najšire namjene i korištenja, posebna je pozornost usmjerena na predstavljanje PID regulatora: njegove forme kao i načine njegova ugađanja prema sljedećim preporukama: Ziegler-Nicholsonovim, Cohen-Coonovim, Chien-Hrones-Reswickovim, kao i IMC postupku te ITAE I ITSE kriterijima. Također, ukratko su predstavljeni i digitalni PID regulatori te preporuke njihova ugađanja prema Takashiju, Dahlinovom postupku te automatskom ugađanju, odnosno autotuningu. |
Abstract (english) | In this final paper, attention is focused on the presentation of a subtype of common or typical controllers, which are divided into four basic types (P, PI, PD, PID regulators) according to three types of action (proportional, integration and drift), and which have its many versions. For common controllers, it is necessary to know the mathematical models of the process action, therefore, in the second chapter, attention is focused on the presentation of the block diagram of the action process, as well as on the basic mathematical equations necessary for their understanding. In the third chapter of this final thesis, the history of controller systems is briefly introduced and its two components are presented: the comparator and the time element, i.e. the controller. According to the time deviation, they distinguish proportional (P) action, 2) integral (I) action and 3) derivative (D) action, according to whose combinations P, I, PI, PD, PID controllers are distinguished. Due to the widest purpose and use, special attention is focused on the presentation of the PID controller: its form as well as the ways of its tuning according to the following recommendations: Ziegler-Nicholson, Cohen-Coon, Chien-Hrones-Reswick, as well as the IMC procedure and ITAE and ITSE criteria. Also, digital PID controllers and recommendations for their tuning according to Takashi, Dahlin's procedure and automatic tuning, i.e. autotuning, are briefly presented. |