Sažetak | Ovaj rad istražuje značajke i ulogu pomorsko-putničkog brodarstva, koje je od ključne važnosti za povezivanje hrvatskih otoka, obalnih područja i glavnih luka te donosi značajne logističke i ekonomske koristi. Pomorska kabotaža ima ključnu ulogu u povezivanju hrvatskih otoka, obalnih područja i glavnih luka, pružajući vitalne logističke i ekonomske koristi. Ulaskom u Europsku uniju, tržište Republike Hrvatske se otvorilo te dolazi do mogućnosti ulaska stranih brodara na tuzemne linije kako bi obavljali usluge pomorske kabotaže. Problem istraživanja u ovom završnom radu je veliki broj subvencioniranih linija od javnog interesa u Republici Hrvatskoj te opravdanost provođenja takvih mjera u okviru nacionalne politike .U prvom dijelu rada, fokus je na linijskom putničkom brodarstvu, gdje se razmatraju povijest, sadašnjost i budućnost ovog sektora. Proučavaju se različite vrste brodova, kao što su klasični putnički brodovi, RO-RO/RO-PAX brodovi i brodovi velikih brzina, te se analizira njihov utjecaj na pomorski promet i turizam. Drugi dio rada posvećen je pomorskoj kabotaži u Republici Hrvatskoj, s naglaskom na analizu velikog broja subvencioniranih linija od javnog interesa te opravdanost takvih mjera u sklopu nacionalne politike. Istražuje se i primjena SNCM testova prema praksi Suda Europske unije, s ciljem da se utvrdi može li se opći gospodarski interes ostvariti bez obveze javne usluge za sve brodare. Također se analizira tržište sezonskih brodskih linija, koje brodari održavaju isključivo radi ostvarivanja vlastitih gospodarskih interesa i na vlastiti poduzetnički rizik. U zaključku se sumiraju rezultati provedenog istraživanja i donose zaključci o mogućnostima i izazovima liberalizacije tržišta brodskih linija u Hrvatskoj. Rad pruža lako razumljiv pregled trenutnog stanja i nudi preporuke za buduće smjernice razvoja i regulacije u pomorsko-putničkom brodarstvu, čime omogućuje čitatelju da stekne cjelovit uvid u ovu važnu temu. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This paper explores the features and role of maritime passenger shipping, which is crucial for connecting Croatian islands, coastal areas, and major ports, and brings significant logistical and economic benefits. With Croatia's accession to the European Union, the market has opened up to foreign shipping companies, creating new opportunities and challenges in providing maritime cabotage services. Maritime cabotage plays a key role in connecting Croatian islands, coastal areas, and major ports, providing vital logistical and economic benefits. With Croatia's entry into the European Union, the market has opened up, allowing foreign shipping companies to operate on domestic routes to provide cabotage services. The research problem in this thesis is the large number of subsidized routes of public interest in the Republic of Croatia and the justification of such measures within the framework of national policy. The first part of the paper focuses on passenger liner shipping, where the history, present, and future of this sector are examined. Various types of vessels are studied, such as conventional passenger ships, RO-RO/RO-PAX vessels, and high-speed vessels, and their impact on maritime traffic and tourism is analyzed. The second part of the paper is dedicated to maritime cabotage in the Republic of Croatia, with an emphasis on analyzing the large number of subsidized routes of public interest and the justification of such measures within the national policy framework. The application of SNCM tests according to the practice of the Court of Justice of the European Union is also explored, with the aim of determining whether general economic interest can be achieved without the obligation of public service for all shipowners. The market for seasonal shipping routes, which operators maintain solely to achieve their own economic interests and at their own entrepreneurial risk, is also analyzed. In conclusion, the results of the conducted research are summarized, and conclusions are drawn regarding the possibilities and challenges of liberalizing the market for shipping routes in Croatia. The paper provides an easily understandable overview of the current state and offers recommendations for future guidelines for the development and regulation of maritime passenger shipping, allowing the reader to gain a comprehensive insight into this important topic. |