- Jurdana, Irena, Rukavina, Biserka, Tominac Coslovich, Sandra
Legal regime regulating the laying and protection of submarine cables in the Republic of Croatia
- Rukavina, Biserka, Panjako, Ana
Legal regulations for ships arriving in and/or departing from ports – Achievements and open issues
- Pavić, Davor, Kralj, Predrag, Lenac, Davor
Legionella Pneumophilia on board ship’s freshwater systems and technological and organizational measures of prevention and suppression
- Bonato, Jasminka, Draščić Ban, Biserka, Tudor, Ivan
Linear Trend Model in the Analysis of Ship Losses and Navigation Safety
- Baričević, Hrvoje, Marušić, Eli, Malovrh, Ana
Logistics determinants of the port of Gaženica in the context of tourism development
- Vilke, Siniša, Šantić, Livia, Smojver, Željko
Luka Rijeka – referentna točka prometnog koridora Podunavlje – Jadran
- Ivče, Renato, Rudan, Igor, Rudan, Mateo
Management and Usage of Nitrogen Systems on Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Carriers
- Kovačić, Mirjana, Rukavina, Biserka, Perinić, Lea
Marine spatial planning in Croatia – legal and technical aspects
- Debelić, Borna
Maritime Common Good and Coastal Zone Management
- Tijan, Edvard, Agatić, Adrijana, Jović, Marija, Aksentijević, Saša
Maritime National Single Window — A Prerequisite for Sustainable Seaport Business
- Charłampowicz, Jędrzej
Maritime container terminal service quality in the face of COVID-19 outbreak
- Poletan Jugović, Tanja, Žgaljić, Dražen, Balić, Katarina
Market Analysis and Affirmation Factors of the Northern Sea Route
