Title Model utvrđivanja konkurentnosti luka nautičkog turizma
Author Nela Jadrijević
Mentor Čedomir Dundović (mentor)
Mentor Ines Kolanović (komentor)
Committee member Alen Jugović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Čedomir Dundović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ines Kolanović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Biserka Draščić Ban (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nenad Mladineo (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 70823
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Maritime Studies, Rijeka Rijeka
Defense date and country 2016-10-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 338.48 - Tourism 339 - Trade. Commerce. International economic relations. World economy
Abstract U modelu utvrđivanja konkurentnosti promatra se 41 stanje sustava, s tim da se 38 odnosi na luke nautičkog turizma, a ostala 3 stanja predstavljaju izlaze odnosno ulaze preko Italije, Slovenije i Crne Gore. Između navedenih stanja odvija se nautički promet te se tako stvara komunikacijska mreža koja ima svoje zakonitosti. Luke nautičkog turizma predstavljaju tehnološko-ekonomske čvorove u toj mreži te formiraju nautičku ponudu pružanjem usluga nautičarima. Tijekom izrade modela utvrđivanja konkurentnosti luka nautičkog turizma, utvrđeni su faktori konkurentnosti luka nautičkog turizma, područja interferencije nautičkih i čarter usluga, a obrađena je i kvaliteta čarter usluge. Utvrđeni faktori konkurentnosti čine ulazne podatke u modelu utvrđivanja konkurentnosti luka nautičkog turizma u obliku kriterija i potkriterija. Prijelazi plovila za sport i razonodu između luka nautičkog turizma čine jedinstveni sustav čije su zakonitosti funkcioniranja utvrđene izradom matrice prijelaza i stacionarnih distribucija u okviru metode Markovljevih lanaca. Navedena metoda dala je uvide o područjima uskih grla koja se stvaraju prijelazom plovila za sport i razonodu između luka nautičkog turizma. Drugi je dio modela utvrđivanja konkurentnosti luka nautičkog turizma u funkciji pružanja podrške nautičaru kod donošenja odluke o uplovu koja je u skladu s preferencijama korisnika. Predložena metodologija koristi dva tipa kvalitetnog filtriranja ulaznih podatka tako što na temelju matrice prijelaza detektira luke koje su dio utvrđenog podsustava luka, te vrši rangiranje luka s najvišim stacionarnim distribucijama iz tog podsustava Promethee metodologijom. Tako se rješava problematika neusporedivosti velikog broja luka nautičkog turizma. Dokazivanju temeljne znanstvene hipoteze, pristupilo se s interdisciplinarnog gledišta kako slijedi: znanstveno utemeljenim spoznajama o čimbenicima konkurentnosti luka nautičkog turizma i determiniranjem vjerojatnosti prijelaza plovila unutar mreže luka nautičkog turizma moguće je postaviti model konkurentnosti luka nautičkog turizma koji će biti u funkciji što kvalitetnijeg zadovoljenja potreba korisnika sustava odnosno turista nautičara. Temeljna je znanstvena hipoteza potvrđena izradom modela utvrđivanja konkurentnosti luka nautičkog turizma integracijom Markovljevih lanaca i Promethee metode.
Abstract (english) In the competitiveness determining model, 41 states of the system are observed, out of which 38 relate to nautical tourism ports, and the other three states relate to exit/entrance from/to Italy, Slovenia and Montenegro. Among these states nautical traffic occurs and thus generates a communication network with its principles. Nautical tourism ports act as technologic-economic nodes in the network and form a nautical offer by providing services to nautical tourists. Nautical tourism port competitiveness factors, nautical and charter services interference areas and charter services quality are determined during nautical tourism port competitiveness determining model development. Identified competitiveness factors represent competitiveness determining model input data in the form of criteria and sub-criteria. Nautical vessels transitions among nautical tourism ports represent a unique system whose functioning principles are established by creating a transition matrix and stationary distribution as per Markov chains regulations. The above method gave insights on bottlenecks areas created during the nautical vessels transition among nautical tourism ports. The second part of nautical tourism port competitiveness model provides support to nautical tourists in their port call decision making process which is in accordance with their preferences. The proposed methodology uses two types of input data high-quality filtration. First filtration is based on the transition matrix detecting ports which makes one sub-system of all the identified sub-systems. Furthermore, methodology selects ports with the highest stationary distributions within one sub-systems and finally ranks ports through Promethee methodology. This solved a problem of large number of nautical tourism ports being incomparable. An interdisciplinary approach is used in fundamental scientific hypothesis verification as follows: By science-based knowledge about the nautical tourism port competitiveness factors and by determining the vessels movements probability among nautical ports, it is possible to set up a nautical tourism port competitiveness model, which provides support to nautical tourists in port call decision making process which is in accordance with their preferences. A fundamental scientific hypothesis is confirmed by developing a methodology for nautical tourism port competitiveness determined by integrating Markov chains and Promethee methods.
konkurentnost luka nautičkog turizma
kvaliteta čarter usluge
Markovljevi lanci
matrica prijelaza
stacionarna distribucija
Keywords (english)
nautical tourism port competitiveness
charter service quality
Markov chains
transition matrix
stationary distribution
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:187:863518
Study programme Title: Postgraduate (doctoral) university study programme - Maritime Studies Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje tehnologija prometa i transport (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje tehnologija prometa i transport)
Type of resource Text
Extent IX, 193 lista : ilustr., zemljop. karte ; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-03-07 08:19:51