Title Model kooperativnoga pristupa u sustavima upućivanja vozila na parkiranje
Author Jasmin Ćelić
Mentor Vinko Tomas (mentor)
Committee member Dragan Čišić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vinko Tomas (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sadko Mandžuka (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 167033
Committee member Irena Jurdana (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Siniša Vilke (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Maritime Studies Rijeka
Defense date and country 2015-07-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology Road and Rail Transport
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 004 - Computer science and technology. Computing. Data processing 656 - Transport and postal services. Traffic organization and control
Abstract Trend rasta i migracije stanovništva u gradska središta te kontinuirano
povećanje broja motornih vozila uzrokuju prometne gužve i zagušenja u većini velikih
svjetskih gradova. Jedan od prepoznatih uzroka navedenog negativnog učinka je
kruženje u potrazi za raspoloživim parkirališnim mjestom koji ne samo da doprinosi
ukupnoj količini zagušenja u gradskim centrima već utječe na količinu vremena koje
vozači bespotrebno provode u vozilu, razinu stresa vozača, količinu emisije štetnih
plinova, te indirektno na zdravlje i sigurnost svih živih bića.
U svrhu otklanjanja problema izazvanim kruženjem u potrazi za raspoloživim
parkirališnim mjestom, odnosno zagušenjem, provode se različite metode i pristupi.
Prije svega su to odgovarajuće strategije i politike koje se donose s ciljem uređenja
postojećeg stanja i demotiviranja dijela stanovništva čiji dolazak u gradski centar nije
nužan. Drugi su načini, kojima se u ovome radu posvećuje najveća pažnja, inteligentni
parkirališni sustavi.
Inteligentni parkirni sustavi se koriste za upućivanje vozača na raspoloživa
parkirališna mjesta i pružanje informacija o njihovim karakteristikama. Redovito se
koriste i za rezervaciju i naplatu parkiranja, no u najvećem broju slučajeva bili su vezani
isključivo za zatvorena parkirališta i garaže. Tehnološkim napretkom i razvojem
inteligentnih osjetila postalo je moguće kontrolirati i ulična parkirališna mjesta što se
u ovome radu posebno ističe.
U radu je analiziran klasičan model traženja raspoloživog parkirališnog mjesta, a zatim
je predložen napredni model upućivanja na raspoloživa parkirališna mjesta
upotrebom kooperativnog pristupa. Izrađen je simulacijski model predloženog
naprednog sustava i ispitani su pokazatelji uspješnosti za četiri različita scenarija u
slučaju s i bez zagušenja prometnog toka. Provedena simulacija pokazala je sve
prednosti ovakvog sustava u odnosu na klasičan pristup i istaknuti su vodeći čimbenici
njegove učinkovitosti.
Abstract (english) The growth trend and the trend of population migration into city centers, as well
as the continuous increase in the number of motor vehicles cause traffic jams and
congestions in most major cities in the world. One of the identified factors of the above
mentioned negative effect is the circling in search of available parking space, which not
only contributes to the total amount of congestion in city centers, but also affects the
amount of time that drivers spend unnecessarily in vehicle, the stress level of drivers,
the amount of emissions, and, indirectly, the health and safety of living beings.
In order to eliminate the problems caused by the circling in search of available parking
space, i.e. by the congestion, the different methods and approaches are implemented.
First of all, these are the appropriate strategies and policies that are made in order to
regulate the existing situation and to demotivate the arrival of part of the population
in the city center, which does not represent a necessity. Another way to eliminate the
above problem, which is the most emphasized in this paper, is represented by the
intelligent parking systems.
Intelligent parking systems are used to guide the driver to the available parking space
and to provide the information on the characteristics of the same. Regularly they are
also used for parking reservation and payment, but in most cases they were related
exclusively to closed parking lots and garages. With the technological progress and the
development of intelligent sensors it has become possible to even control street
parking spaces, which is especially emphasized in this paper.
Furthermore, the classic model of search of available parking spaces is analyzed, and
then the advanced model of guidance to available parking spaces using a cooperative
approach is proposed. The simulation model of the proposed advanced system is
developed and indicators of effectivness for four different scenarious in the cases with
and without traffic congestion are examined. The simulation analysis presents the
advantages of this system compared to the classical approach and main factors of its
effectiveness are highlighted.
inteligentni transportni sustavi
kooperativan pristup
napredni sustavi za informiranje putnika
inteligentni parkirni sustavi
sustavi za upućivanje i navigaciju
traženje rute
Keywords (english)
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Cooperative Approach
Advanced Transport Information Systems
Intelligent Parking Systems
Guidance and Navigation Systems
Routes Searching
Parking Lots
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:187:681097
Promotion 2016-04-15
Study programme Title: Postgraduate (doctoral) university study programme - Maritime Studies Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje tehnologija prometa i transport (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje tehnologija prometa i transport)
Type of resource Text
Extent X, 165 listova : ilustr., graf. prikazi ; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2016-04-18 07:40:11